Export batch files feature not respect digram title&filename

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Export batch files feature not respect digram title&filename

Post by fbilo »

Bug title:Export batch files feature sometimes not respect digram title&filename settings exist in sgf file

I need to export all digrams created in a set of sgf files, before export, i added titles & export filenames into the sgf files by wrote a program to open these sgf files and add titles into FG attributes and filenames into GOWRITEFG attribute then save them all.

Then i do like this:

1. launched [Export] from File menu
2. Fill two target path and filename into [comment file] and [graphic file], normally i use "noname.htm/eps" as the filename, cause if i use *.htm/*.eps, then this export feature will not work, this should be conside to be improve too...
3. select the [Files] option, and click the [select files] button then select multiply sgf files which i have added titles and export filenames.
4. Click the [Export] button.

But the result is confuse, sometimes i got what i needed, like noname_[DigramName1].eps, noname_[OtherDigramName2].eps, and correct title text had been added into the exported graphics. But sometimes, i only got filenames like noname_1.eps and noname_2.eps; and no digram title was been added into graphics.

Can you fix this in future build, and provide a temporially work arround now for us?

Go liiton hallitus
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Re: Export batch files feature not respect digram title&file

Post by lpaatero »


Can you send sample of file, where diagram titles are missing?

One reason to missing diagram title could be:
In diagram definition FG (http://www.red-bean.com/sgf/properties.html#FG), there is bit flag "diagram name on/off" (value: 0/2).
If this is not set, diagram names are not used (even if given).

If flags are not available (completely missing), then gowrite uses settings from Options -> Default Diagram Settings.

Let me know if these help.

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Re: Export batch files feature not respect digram title&file

Post by fbilo »

Hi lpaatero'

I just used a number 257 as the FG flag, i copied this number from a correct file which i created before.

I attached two sgfs into the attachment.

file cannot export title and filename
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Go liiton hallitus
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Re: Export batch files feature not respect digram title&file

Post by lpaatero »

I was not yet able to produce the error. So in my machine diagram titles were used as expected.

So have to ask bit more to understand what is going on:

Does problem happen every time, or is it only randomly (with specific file)?

Could you try altering the title text? Does title text affect failure?

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Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:09 am

Re: Export batch files feature not respect digram title&file

Post by fbilo »


I think about it again, since the issue not repro on your side, that's maybe because of different folder structure, currently, the sgf files on my machine are loacting inside a folder with a bit long path including some chinease characters, i made test by moving them into a path not so deep -- just c:\temp\-- then launch the export feature again, and this time it works!

So this maybe the root cause: a too long path string including some unicode characters. In my case, it is :

Wish this can be some help.
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