Crash pressing 'del' key

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Crash pressing 'del' key

Post by GoInfluenchess »

I replicated the crash I had and I thought was related to AI. Working on another SGF I noticed it.

In first seconds I delete using delete key and I think it don't breaks because is not inside a variant (just guessing).
Next time I delete using contextual menu, and worked.

Third time (near the end of the video, previous to start moving mouse around the screen and clicking everywhere), I put the move, and just after click, press del key to delete it, and then GoWrite stopped working and had to kill the process

I can't attach directly the SGF file, but I share the content of the file:

Code: Select all

(;GM[1]AP[GOWrite:3.2.2]FF[4]ST[2]SZ[19]CA[UTF-8]GN[1 Dan Challenge W1D4]DT[2023-08-31]PM[2]FG[259:]KM[6.50]PB[ ]PW[ ]LB[hh:2][lh:1][hl:3][ll:4]TR[ql][dc][fp][cd][kc][fq][qo][nc][de][ro][oc][iq][dr][er][ld][md][qp][df][od]AB[pr][ch][rr][qf][fc][ko][ic][dq][eq][po][ce][pc][kq][ie][qj][oq][me][qq][ne][dg][oe][eg][dn][qs][cp][dp][pn][fd][ck][cr][pp][cf][nd][pd]AW[sr][dc][cq][kc][fq][qo][nc][de][ro][oc][iq][fe][rq][ql][fp][cd][dr][er][ld][md][qp][df][od][sp][ff]RU[Japanese]
;LB[ma:A][ob:B]C[A\: Bad. White gets sente and can capture the stones later.
B\: Correct. Connect and White only has 1 eye]W[mb]
;LB[ke:A][jb:B]C[Black blocks in A or B]W[mc]
;B[ob]LB[kf:A]TR[lb][ma]C[White escapes with A and  marked stones are in danger]

Go liiton hallitus
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Re: Crash pressing 'del' key

Post by lpaatero »


I can reproduce this now, so should not be difficult to fix.

Go liiton hallitus
Posts: 535
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Location: Finland

Re: Crash pressing 'del' key

Post by lpaatero »

Fix is in 3.2.6.
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:53 am

Re: Crash pressing 'del' key

Post by GoInfluenchess »

Great. Thanks
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