GOWrite 3.1.0
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:03 pm
GOWrite 3.1.0 is development version, testing katago integration for game analysis.
Update: 2021-11-16: Added katago configuration check to engine test to check configuration against known issues.
Katago notes
GOWrite requires recent katago. katago 1.8 versions and later should work, but this is not well tested.
Run engine test before using it! gowrite has specific requirements for the configuration.
Mac users: Please look at poll https://gowrite.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1047
- Katago should be set up in General setting. GOWrite does not include katago, its configuration or network, so they should be installed separately.
- After configuring katago, do test, also in General settings dialog. This can detect multiple issues leading to poor results.
- Edit menu contains various means to launch katago analysis. Analyse all automates starting of analysis.
- To add analysis of continuation move, just do control-left click the empty location. This will compute 1000 iterations of the move, even if it would not be included in search by default.
Update: 2021-11-16: Added katago configuration check to engine test to check configuration against known issues.
Katago notes
GOWrite requires recent katago. katago 1.8 versions and later should work, but this is not well tested.
Run engine test before using it! gowrite has specific requirements for the configuration.
Mac users: Please look at poll https://gowrite.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1047