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Old version history

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:46 am
by lpaatero
2.1.12 beta version, fixes to translation and translation system

* Hungarian translation is updated.
* Now translation can be tested without activating interactive translation. Help is not yet updated to explain this.

2.1.11 beta version, various minor changes and improvements

* Small improvements to WMF and PS export formats. PS can now export (some of) characters as PS characters, not outlines. Both produce bit smaller files now.
* Selected move circle is now smaller to make it easier to see.
* Added java JAR manifest information, so that help is available, even when starting GOWrite.jar directly.
* Corrected bug preventing drag&drop in game tree, improved commands for variation editing.
* Added more asian character sets to list of known character sets.
* Added shortcut keys to menus.
* Moved to NetBeans 4.0 IDE (from 3.6) in GOWrite development. Should not change anything, but you never know...

2.1.10 stabile version, only small updates

* Windows installer has now Japanese and Hungarian messages.
* Small updates and clean-up in help.
* Corrected minor problem WIndows metafile creation.

2.1.09 Changed to stabile version, number of small things I decided to drop from 2.1.08:

* Added ability to make numbers in black stones thicker. See Options->Font dialog for adjustment of this.
* Added ability to export (File->Export) Enhanced Metafiles in Windows.
* gererated WMF format should now be more reliable (more portable) and smaller. This should remove problems with disappearing white moves.
* PS format optimizations: Output is now more efficient.
* Added Hungarian to default language selection list.
* Some more tuning to graphics creation (specificly to font scaling).

2.1.08 stabile version. Only minor changes over 2.1.07:

* Some of editing tools were missing from help. Very short explanation was added, more to be done.
* Minor tuning to graphics creation. Next version after this will contain some more.

2.1.07 beta version. If nothing serious turns up, this will be next stabile version.

* Help content updated. All menu and dialog helps should be updated now.
* Minor graphics corrections. EPS output improved a bit.
* Few minor bug fixes.
* Started work to enable complete translation of help and Windows installer.

2.0.08 Stabile version. Improvements:

* Added Hungarian translation!

2.1.06 beta version. This is already quite solid in operation, still mode documentation and testing to be done. Bug fixes and documentation updates:

* Started help file work with some clean up. Also most of new menu items added to help. Fixed various errors in help.
* Delete label was failing, now fixed.
* Export now remembers last directories that were used.
* Partially updated finnish translation and enabled translation of some new messages.
* Reduced use of platform specific fonts, as this cannot handle various native character sets properly.
* Swing L&F changes did take effect only after long use pause, fixed. GOWrite restart still needed.
* Fixed few problems in translation tools.
* Tested more with Java 1.5, no problems found.

2.1.05 beta version, improvements:

* 2.1 version is now feature-complete. Remaining work for no-beta is testing and documenting. This version is now somewhat tested Java 1.5.0, seems to work fine!
* Added commands for changing main line of game (in Variation menu). This makes it easy to clean up KGS files when typos make it hard to follow game.
* Game Result counting is now implemented, but documentation is not yet in place. TIP: use shift-click to manipulate individual locations (instead of whole neigbohood).

2.1.04 beta version, improvements:

* Windows version uses now Arial and Times New Roman as default fonts in graphic exports. This should reduce font problems. Fonts can be changed from Options->Fonts. Note that some of graphic formats have options, which affect font export.
* 2.1.03 broke Windows metafile support, reverted back to metafile code in 2.1.02.
* GOWrite 2 is in new server now. Links in installation package are now fixed.
* Game Result counting is still not ready, it is last big issue before non-beta version is ready.

2.1.03 beta version, improvements:

* Added some tooltips to main window. More to come.
* Print boundaries are not drawn on export/clipboard in any situation.
* Most of graphics settings were not saved properly. This should be corrected now, except for ASCII clipboard. ASCII settings are NOT saved (yet). I will change ASCII settings format to better.
* Note that GOWrite 2 is in new server now. old server is being phased out eventually.
* Bitmap graphics quality has been improved, and export bitmap settings changed to produce better quality. This may affect on-screen board also. If you get bad results (in any way), let me know, it is quite possible that problems still remain.
* Fixed figure start editing (FG property), some diagram settings (and their default values) were not handled properly.

2.1.02 beta version, improvements:

* Undo was still failing partially, now fixed.
* Internationalisation should be now complete, so all major texts can be translated.
* RPM is available for Linux (actually it was there already for 2.1.01).

2.1.01 beta version, improvements:

* HTML export now ignores single newlines. This works better with most commented files, as they contain unnecessary newlines in comments.
* Bug in undo is fixed.
* Bug prevented adding markings in some cases, fixed.
* Translation of items in sub-menus is now working.

2.1.00 beta version, some of improvements:

* Game export in HTML and PNG or EPS implemented. Comments are exported in HTML file, and graphics are inline / links to EPS or PNG files (as selected in export). This enables Linux publication work (WIth for example OpenOffice...)
* New editing mode for board markkings.
* New editing mode to mark territories. (This is still under development, and not usable yet.)
* Drag and drop editing in tree. Tree shows exact move instead of line and clicking move makes it most current move. (More tree editing capabilities still coming.)
* SGF (text) copy and paste.
* Mouse scroll wheel goes forward / backward in game (when used while mouse over board).
* Clipboard improvements. Copy of configurable ASCII diagrams for clipboard. More options for WMF/EMF clipboard.
* GOWrite can now accept new files using drag&drop.
* SGF collections have better support. Games can be added and removed from collection, and order in collection can be changed. (Still work left.)
* Large number of minor fixes and improvements. Can handle full unicode names in files in Win NT / 200 / XP.
* Translation tools have been improved, see help for details.

2.0.07 Stabile version. Improvements:

* Added german translation!
* Fixed bug: Komi and Handicap properties are not shown, when read from file.

2.0.06 Stabile version. Improvements:

* "at" text in WMF graphic format (Windows) is now correctly placed.
* Preview with non-19by19 board is corrected.
* Problem "file not found" occuring sometimes when invoking GOWrite from outlook has been partially fixed. Improved fix will be in 2.1 versions.

2.0.05 This will be promoted stabile version, if no serious problems turn up. Improvements:

* Missing moves are no longer indicated at start of handicap game.
* GOWrite performance has been improved when using Kogo's joseki library.
* Some of previous versions have introduces Window menu, which lists all GOWrite windows.
* Added symbol (in tree) for setup stones.
* Minor bugfixes: Add diagram failed in some cases.

2.0.04 Intermediate development version. Improvements:

* Exceptions are now using graphics for moves.
* Missing moves are listed in exceptions. Move numbering fixed in special cases.
* Clicking exception goes to relevant location.
* Line width in printing and clipboard somewhat thinner.
* Adding pass honors "change color to add" now.
* Help has been updated.
* Lost mouse clicks has been fixed, as well as various minor problems with mouse and moving in the game (search move improved).

2.0.03 Intermediate development version. After this future versions will NOT run in Java 1.3. Improvements:

* Comment printing order fixed.
* Printed comments contain move they belong to.
* SGF character set support implemented. It is also possible to select character set for new files.
* Clipboard copy-as-displayed content can be controlled (using defauld diagram settings).
* Even board sizes do not have center hoshi dot anymore.
* Asymmteric board sizes fixed also when X>Y.
* Change cursor depending on editing operation.
* Changed the way left and right arrow keys navigate in game.
* Additional mouse functionality: Left doubleclick allows label editing. Right double click finds move in position.
* Minor bugs fixed in move numbering, undo and other.

2.0.02 Number of really small fixes over 2.0.01. Some help updates. Version should be compatible with JRE1.3 again.

2.0.01 Version contains various small improvements and bug fixes. Help has been updated and extended. Clipboard now allows selection between WMF format and Bitmap format.

2.0.0 This is first non-beta release. At the release time no serious problems were known. Version is almost same as 1.99l.

1.99L This version is bug-fixing version. Bugs fixed: More stability fixes for XP and Win2000 systems (work-around for JVM bug). New Window command is fixed. Two white / black alteration bugs fixed. Minor Help file updates. Minor file open dialog fizes.

1.99k This version is bug-fixing version. Bugs fixed include (among others): In some W2K systems GOWrite hangs on file open. Some SGF files could not be saved. Clipboard diagrams did not have correct size. Help content has been improved and updated.

1.99j This version is bug-fixing version. Only additional features are view settings and additional way to add variations. Bug fixes mostly in game view introduced in 1.99i version.

1.99i This version is mainly bug-fixing version. Bugs are fixed in various areas: installation (sgf association), editing (various), new game dialog, etc. Only significant new feature is new arrangement for game information. Now players and game result is always visible. Help file is now somewhat out-of sync and will be updated before releasing 2.0.

1.99h This version contains first release of French translation! Thanks to Stéphane Fouchereau for making this. Version contains also some improvements in SGF file reading. Now GOWrite should have less problems with partially invalid files.

1.99g One more quick fix: Version 1.99f was unable to save some files. This version also improves board color and allows color changes.

1.99f This version fixes randomly lost handicap stones and bad layout in new game dialog.

1.99e This is quick release to fix couple of GOWrite 1.4 related compatibility bugs in GOWrite 2. These bugs result in file which GOWrite 2 fails to read. Compatibility bug that randomly loses handicap stones when alternative using GOWrite 2 and GOWrite 1.4 to edit file, is still unsolved.

1.99d Large number of fixes. Hopefully this code qualifies as 2.0 version code. I still hope to be able to write some more help for 2.0 version. Fixes in following areas: Screen handling, installation, editing, translation tools.

1.99c Printing is now working reasonably. Help support is completely implemented, but help files are still almost empty. Very large number of small fixes.

1.99b Removed deadlock occuring in some Windows machines in startup. Lots of small bug and usability fixes. Some printing problems fixed.

1.99a Lots of small fixes. Fonts used in board can be selected, but this feature works only in Java 1.4.

First publicly available version. Huge number of changes and fixes. Comment printing implemented.

First version in WEB distribution.

Before these long series of closed GOWrite 2 test versions existed.