Command-line use: exporting & printing
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:21 pm
GOWrite 2.3.41 implements updated command-line exporting & printing. Details are likely to change in later version. Any changes will be posted here.
In order to export, use commands like (output is to out subdirectory):
mkdir out
java -cp /path-to-jar/GOWrite.jar GOWritePrint -wizard wizard.dsx -export print.dsx -format format.dsx -graphics graphics.gex -output out myfile.sgf
Exporting is two phased:
1. Print&export wizard (-wizard wizard.dsx) divides file into diagrams. If option is removed from command line, this step is skipped.
2. Export of all diagrams in file is performed (-export print.dsx).
In order to print instead of export, replace -export command line switch with -print switch.
Settings and options
XML files wizard.dsx and print.dsx allow controlling of all wizard and exporting parameters.
Option -format format.dsx allows selecting output format, B&W and move sizes.
Option -graphics grahicss.gex can be used to configure graphics styles and layout. Normal gowrite can save these files: from layout and graphics options dialog go to manage.
Working sample files are in zip file attached to this posting. Parameters present in files should be quite easy to understand, some of them are commented.
Any feedback would be appreciated!
-- Lauri
In order to export, use commands like (output is to out subdirectory):
mkdir out
java -cp /path-to-jar/GOWrite.jar GOWritePrint -wizard wizard.dsx -export print.dsx -format format.dsx -graphics graphics.gex -output out myfile.sgf
Exporting is two phased:
1. Print&export wizard (-wizard wizard.dsx) divides file into diagrams. If option is removed from command line, this step is skipped.
2. Export of all diagrams in file is performed (-export print.dsx).
In order to print instead of export, replace -export command line switch with -print switch.
Settings and options
XML files wizard.dsx and print.dsx allow controlling of all wizard and exporting parameters.
Option -format format.dsx allows selecting output format, B&W and move sizes.
Option -graphics grahicss.gex can be used to configure graphics styles and layout. Normal gowrite can save these files: from layout and graphics options dialog go to manage.
Working sample files are in zip file attached to this posting. Parameters present in files should be quite easy to understand, some of them are commented.
Any feedback would be appreciated!
-- Lauri