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Export board coordinates

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:14 pm
by geoff
Hi Lauri, I am using the latest GOWrite version 2.3.35 running on Debian. I used to be able to export board co-ordinates in the eps diagrams, but I am now failing. What I want is this:
  • A game diagram every 50 moves.
  • Export to eps showing numbered moves in range on the board and of course previous moves unnumbered.
  • The board diagram must show the board co-ordinates, but no titles or range of moves
I tried using the export wizard and of course I asked for board co-ordinates in Diagram Settings->Details . This gave me a diagram at move 50, and then the rest of the game 151-212 all in one diagram. The eps diagrams produced do not show the board co-ordinates.

What am I missing?

Re: Export board coordinates

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:42 pm
by lpaatero

I tested quickly this and it worked for me, so something is different.

Can you send me the SGF file after adding diagrams and also resulting EPS files?
You can mail them to lauri.paatero at


Re: Export board coordinates

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:03 pm
by PatRidley
Hi Lauri

I have what appears to be the same problem - but I suspect it's my misunderstanding of how to drive GOWrite. I wrestled with this for a long time yesterday, then it appeared to start working, and now again today it appears not work. I must be doing something differently at these different times, but I don't know what!

I am trying to produce diagrams every 50 moves, with board coordinates. Here is an example scenario and results:

After positioning in the Game Tree at move 100 and selecting New Diagram from the Insert menu, and setting:

Under Moves
Include move numbers in diagram
Include moves before diagram, and setting 'Include number of moves' to 50
Under Details
Include board coordinates
Include Exceptions
Include Hoshi points

Set View mode to Print View

If the position in the Game Tree remains on the diagram just created:

In the Export dialogue:
Selecting 'Current Diagram' always seems to result in a diagram of the whole game (and not just to move 100), but it does have the board coordinates.

Selecting 'Displayed board' results in a diagram to the correct move number (100 in this case) but no board coordinates.

If I reposition to earlier in the Game Tree, e.g. move 99, to ensure that the Current Diagram refers to the node with
moves up to 100, the result is as above - correct with moves up to 100, but no board coordinates.

How do I get the diagram I want (moves up to 100 with the last 50 nunbered) AND board coordinates, please?


Re: Export board coordinates

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:31 pm
by lpaatero
Thank you for report.
I am now fixing this, there seems to be multiple problems in diagram details data handling.

-- Lauri

Re: Export board coordinates

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:11 pm
by PatRidley
Dear Lauri

Thanks for your email reply, explaining that, when positioned on a diagram, Export prints the board up to the NEXT diagram, including coordinates if selected.

I have another, similar, problem. I have a diagram to Export, with some labelled and numbered stones (but the numbers are placed on the stones as labels), with board coordinates. I only want to Export a part of the overall diagram.

I placed the labels on the stones as required and then Inserted a New Diagram - without move numbering (since that would interfere with the labelling), but with board coordinates.

I then selected the required area and went into Export.

If I Export the Displayed Board, I can choose the Selected Board Area. The resulting diagram is correct except that it does not have the board coordinates.

If I Export the Current Diagram, I can get the desired diagram, with board coordinates, except that I get the whole board and cannot select the area.

What should I do to get both the board coordinates and only the selected area, please?

Re: Export board coordinates

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:57 am
by lpaatero
Displayed board uses always default diagram settings. And 2.3.35 (and before) does contain bug in default diagram detail handling, so it gets confusing... This is fixed in 2.3.36.

You can change current diagram area using "edit -> set diagram area for printing". (Probably should remove word "printing", as it applies to both printing and exporting.)
Alternatively you can change diagram area in diagram edit windows (diagram edit button in right-hand side of main window.)

One note: I do recommend not to use labels for move numbers, I consider it mis-use of label feature. (and improving label to work nicely as move numbers would involve undesirable changes.)


Re: Export board coordinates

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:46 am
by PatRidley
Hi Lauri

Thanks for your help. Setting the diagram defaults works nicely.

Best wishes