Workflow, Diagrams and Variations

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Workflow, Diagrams and Variations

Post by fretiak »


first of all, I would like to say thanks to the author of this marvellous program.
I am not sure, if the behavior I am experiencing is bug, or it's just me making something wrong way.

I was inspired with Article in Forum regarding workflow at EGC 2010. unfortunately I was not able to reproduce these steps in order to get some good diagrams.

what I am aiming for is to annotate a game similar to: where there is one main game line and then few variations diverting from this main game line.

I can get one of two following things, but not both of them. I either can game with variations, where I have main variation marked with A and then succesive variations marked with B,C,D as in the pdf, but I have no diagrams. as soon as I add a diagram to the edited sgf file... letters marking main line and deviations disappear. Menu option Show Variations labels IS checked on.

usually when loading a sgf file full of variations, I understood it was good to use the wizard to prepare the diagrams. I thought this process would be automatical.
What I also kind of miss, is follow up in sense, where I have a particular variation, I do not see automatically, where it started. in example from the mentioned PDF file, I would expect to see where a particular variation started. For Variation 6 from PDF it is not even possible to say, where it started, which move from parent variation / main line was the last, and where the variation starts.

I attached simple file, extension txt should be changed to sgf then.

so is it a bug of software? or am I making something wrong?

Thank you very much in advance for answer.

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Re: Workflow, Diagrams and Variations

Post by fretiak »

small followup with another test-case.

this sgf, loaded into GoWrite produces only one diagram but after move 2 currect 2 variations are shown with A and B.
as soon as I start the wizard, everything disappears.

first sgf:

(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]ST[0]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[GOWrite:2.3.48]PM[2]VW[]DT[2013-11-02]PB[ ]HA[9]RU[Japanese]FG[259:]KM[0.5]PW[ ]AB[jp][pj][dd][jj][jd][dp][pp][dj][pd]GN[ ]


second sgf after wizard:

(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]ST[0]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[GOWrite:2.3.48]PM[2]VW[]GOWRITEFG[mergeTitleRange]DT[2013-11-02]PB[ ]HA[9]RU[Japanese]FG[257:Diagram 1]KM[0.5]PW[ ]AB[jp][pj][dd][jj][jd][dp][pp][dj][pd]GN[ ]
;GOWRITEFG[mergeTitleRange]MN[1]FG[256:Variation 1]VW[aj:hs]PM[2]


again... I do not see the letters anymore and what is worse, I have to guess, after which move the variation started.

thanks a lot once again.

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Re: Workflow, Diagrams and Variations

Post by gowrite »


Usually (when making publications) one wants to add hand-picked labels to indicate any variation information (if any).

When printing (without any hand-adjustment) this lack of reference can be issue.
I take a look at adding text information to printed output.
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