Diagram Edit Bugs(linux/unix 3.0.6)

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Diagram Edit Bugs(linux/unix 3.0.6)

Post by reico »

I use Linux/Unix 3.0.6 and my Java version is 1.7.0-75-b13. This unstable develop version has better batch export functions and chinese ko expressions and I like it.But here are bugs:

Diagrams Edit->Advanced(Tab)->include move numbers, this option seems not work for me. I just want to get a diagram without numbers on it.

BTW, Diagrams Edit->Basic Setting->Adjust move numbers to 1~100 does not work.Exported diagrams always show numbers between 1~100.
Go liiton hallitus
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Re: Diagram Edit Bugs(linux/unix 3.0.6)

Post by lpaatero »

Thanks, diagram number setting seems to be broken.

Which export format has the 1-100 numbering always?
This could be export format specific issue.

- Lauri
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Re: Diagram Edit Bugs(linux/unix 3.0.6)

Post by reico »

Thanks for reply.

I try export-current diagram, export-all diagrams. export-files. all have 1-100 problems.

Recently, I tried to export SGF files with comments into tex files. So I could easily batch processing them for publishing purpose( such as for pdf etc). To my surprise, Gowrite2 could not add new diagrams automatically after moves with comments in print&export wizard. Since sgfs usually comment the go move with marks (A, B, C,etc)in that point and later moves also with A, B, C. IF gowrite2 can automatically break new diagrams after/before the comment move, the user need not to re-edit sgf files for making comments stay seem with marks.
Go liiton hallitus
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Re: Diagram Edit Bugs(linux/unix 3.0.6)

Post by lpaatero »

I meant export using which graphics and text format, like PNG and HTML?

Exporting exports exactly what has been put into file. This guarantees full control of output.

Automatic diagram adding is available in File -> print & export wizard.
Wizard does not add new diagram for every comment, but more the way most books split games (and variations) into diagrams.

Do you think adding diagram for every comment make sense?
It would allow re-use of comments written for online reading, but it would easily create huge number of full-board diagrams.
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Re: Diagram Edit Bugs(linux/unix 3.0.6)

Post by reico »

What i really want is a figure breaks function like sgf2misc:( http://gobase.org/software/sgf2misc/README.html ) in export wizard.

On Figure breaks

If you don't force figure breaks (with the -figure command line option) the program will try to create figures from the game itself. It will start a new diagram after it encountered:

(unless the -text_output option is given)
(unless the -text_output option is given and only in graphic mode)
a variation
(unless variations are excluded with the -diagrams option)

but Sgf2misc's Figure breaks (encounter letter.comment.variation) failed when -figure option is defined. What i want is a mix, that is, even -figure numbers option are choosen, figure also breaks when encounter letter\comments\variation\.
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