GoWrite doesn't support Java 9.0.1 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

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GoWrite doesn't support Java 9.0.1 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

Post by JohnTilley »

I was using GoWrite Version 2 and it stopped working after an upgrade to Firefox (64 bit version 56.0.2). It took a while to track down, but on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit the latest 64 bit version of Java doesn't work with GoWrite - I get a "unable to find JVM" message.

GoWrite 2.3.48 and GoWrite 3.0.13 both work with Java 8 1.5.1 (64 bit) - tested this morning. Neither works with Java 9.0.1. I have disabled Java in the browser - as Firefox no longer supports the java plugin after Firefox Version 52.

I think I will stick to the Taisha joseki - it might be easier. <sigh>

John Tilley
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Re: GoWrite doesn't support Java 9.0.1 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

Post by lpaatero »

Thanks for reporting this.

I will have to take a look at it. This will probably take a while.
Update: Based on documentation, there are number of compatibility breaking changes in Java 9. It is likely that I will create private java 9 copy and embed it into next 3.0.x GOWrite Windows version. This increases size of GOWrite, but removes any dependency on platform java version.

GOWrite does not use Java browser support, so it can be disabled (and better be disabled, I think). I do not see any reason why installed browser version would impact gowrite.

So currently recommended way to run GOWrite is to stick to Java 8, which still seems to be the default offered jre.
Alternative is to start gowrite from command like (like: java -jar GOWrite.jar).

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Re: GoWrite doesn't support Java 9.0.1 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

Post by TobyM »

Has anything happened about this problem?

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Re: GoWrite doesn't support Java 9.0.1 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

Post by lpaatero »

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Re: GoWrite doesn't support Java 9.0.1 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

Post by efeustel »

I have Java 8 - 181 X86 and Java 10.0.2 X64 on my system. I get no JVMs. It stopped when going to 181 or 10.0.2.
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Re: GoWrite doesn't support Java 9.0.1 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

Post by lpaatero »

Please can you be bit more specific, which combinations of java VM you have seen working and not working?

And you could try development version (3.0.17) in download page, it should work with java 10.

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Re: GoWrite doesn't support Java 9.0.1 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

Post by JohnTilley »

I am now using Windows 11 (64 bit) with GoWrite 3.0.14 and it seems to work as it installs and uses Java 1.8.0_301-b09, but if I try Go Write 3.2.0 it installs Java 17.0.3 +17 and I now get problems. If try to save or save-as the dialog box gets overwritten on the screen and I can't do anything.

I have gone back to 3.0.14 and hopefully all will be well. Am I missing something? Its frustrating!

Thanks - John Tilley
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