AI doubts and freezing GoWrite

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AI doubts and freezing GoWrite

Post by GoInfluenchess »


- I'm checking the AI feature of GoWrite. I noticed a couple of times after enabling, in some moment GoWrite stops working, just freezee. I can move the window but nothing inside responds to my inputs, and I have to kill the process.

Some idea? It's some kind of known bug or just me?

- On the other side, I see it analyzes the complete game, but sometimes we just want to analyze an specific position and the variant you are working on. There are some way to do this?.

- When analyze, hovering you can preview the variant created by Katago, but, there are some way to insert directly the variant in the file to not have to go move by move? Once you press first move variant disappears BTW.

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Re: AI doubts and freezing GoWrite

Post by lpaatero »

One possible reason for freezing: If katago is taking most of the GPU, it can impact screen updates. You could try to reduce katago parameters. If you have small GPU (less than 8G GPU memory), parameters may have to be quite small.
You could look at log in Options -> GOWrite translation & test -> Troubleshooting; there might be something.

The whole game analysis should be possible to run in parallel with other things; I do not want to get into UI mess of forcing user to do something about it. You can adjust iterations used in Options -> General Settings -> Initial iterations. Small numbers, like 4-10 give quite fast initial analysis.

Creating a variation moves for continuation is in right-mouse click -> Roll-out analysis. Probably could have better name for it.

- Lauri
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:53 am

Re: AI doubts and freezing GoWrite

Post by GoInfluenchess »

Thanks, will check. About the crash, seems not related to AI, I posted in the Bugs subforum viewtopic.php?t=1087
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