Ko marking text is not visible in Mac 10.3 / Java 1.4.2. For example ko marking (123) at (23) is shown without text "at", while both moves are shown normally.
Problem may be bug in Mac Java, I am currently looking for work-around.
Bug in Mac GOWrite 2.1.20
Moderator: lpaatero
This problem is due to known bug in Mac Java 1.4.2. bug has been fixed in Mac java 1.5 (available for MAC OS X 10.4).
Work-around has been implemented in 2.1.21. It is possible that some texts are missing in other cases. Please report these so that work-around can be implemented also in these cases.
Work-around has been implemented in 2.1.21. It is possible that some texts are missing in other cases. Please report these so that work-around can be implemented also in these cases.